
Environmental Data-science

Multi-scale analytics - a comprehensive environmental research service


We specialise in environmental data acquisition and analysis across all scales and are therefore able to help, whatever your question might be. We will combine the most appropriate techniques from the laboratory and field with data from airborne and satellite platforms to provide the insight that is needed.


Field and Lab

Field survey remains fundamental to understanding an environment. Field observations are critical for validation and to produce reliable insights from other data sources. We have extensive field experience and specialise in community and landform surveys. We also conduct long-term monitoring with telemetered data-loggers where temporal variability is of interest. A full range of laboratory analyses are also available.



We have many years of experience working with archival aerial sources including LiDAR, Near-Infrared and Hyperspectral data. These days, however, bespoke data capture is often most appropriate for answering specific questions, especially when ultra-high resolutions are required. The techniques we use are the same as for our own scientific research, where robustness is key.

We offer UAV (drone) surveying services designed to provide the best possible data for your application. We have RGB, multispectral and thermal cameras ready to fly. Whether you want a highly accurate digital elevation model (DEM) or vegetation health mapping we will be able to help.

All surveys are backed by comprehensive ground-control using high-grade survey equipment so that we can be sure our products are as accurate as possible.

The UAV platform also offers a unique perspective that may be invaluable when collating materials for stakeholder or public engagement activities.



Satellites provide an ever-increasing density, variety and quality of data that is invaluable for environmental insight and management. With years of experience in image analysis and data analytics we are able to help with challenges, including  land cover mapping and monitoring or time-series analysis. We also specialise in applying machine learning algoithms that enable spatial modelling of complex, high-dimensionality  system interactions based on large-scale data-streams